"Borne Out Of The Need To Meet As A Pacific Community"

Swiss Pasifika Association had its origin with a meeting between Mr. Bonapas Onguglo (PNG) and Dr. Temo Waqanivalu (Fiji) in 2014 where they discussed a need to meet as a Pacific Community realizing that there was a growing number of Pacific Islanders in Geneva and Switzerland. After communicating through coconut wireless with others, a dinner was organised at a restaurant in Geneva and the rest is history!

Initially the main intention was to gather the Pacific community and provide a social and cultural network for individuals and families in what can be an isolated life in Geneva and/or Switzerland. The community grew over the years with connection to Zürich and neighbouring European countries culminating in a festivity of more than 150 individuals from all Pacific Islanders in August 2019 where it was decided that formalization of an association may be warranted in order to get established officially and expand its roles and functions.

Unfortunately, by this time one of the co-founders, Mr. Onguglo, succumbed to cancer and had passed on to be with the Lord. The first General Assembly was held in December 2020 amidst the Covid-19 outbreak, where the statuses were endorsed and the Association was established.

The Committee


Tukele Lave


Havila Saafi


Sandra Fong


Joanie Hartman


Christian Rafoi

Association Representative

Patrick Levy

Association Representative

Paula Onguglo

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